Tasks are individual units of work that belong to projects, and are assigned to freelancers.
Task resources currently expose the following fields:
- id
- freelancer
- managers
- summary
- description
- rate
- rate_type (one of "fixed", "daily", "hourly")
- status (one of "ongoing", "completed")
- project
GET /tasks/
List all the available tasks.
GET /tasks/<uuid:id>/
Fetch a task given by its UUID.
POST /tasks/
Creates a new task, see this example request, where you have to
replace the right project uuid
and the right manager id
"data": {
"type": "task",
"attributes": {
"description": "Sample task created",
"summary": "Sample task"
"relationships": {
"project": {
"data": {
"type": "project",
"id": "608172ce-27ab-4dfe-82d9-9bd6e28c2366"
"managers": {
"data": [
"type": "user",
"id": 100
PATCH /tasks/<uuid:id>/
Modify a task sending partial information about the fields to change.
This is used for both:
change task attributes
change the task state, where the supported possible states are (at the moment)
So for example suppose we have a task which is currently pending, and we want to make it switch to ongoing, we just have to patch the task passig the new status we want.
"data": {
"type": "task",
"attributes": {
"status": "ongoing"
If instead we want to change some attributes (like summary for
example) we will still use patch
in the same way but passing the
attribute we want to change with the right value in.
"data": {
"type": "task",
"attributes": {
"summary": "New summary"
These two changes can also be merged of course (so changing state and some attributes at the same time).